Coronavirus – Care Center Visitation Policy

March 23, 2020

To Our Residents and Family Members:

We appreciate the concern and understanding that you’ve shown during this challenging time as we deal with the Coronavirus situation here at Cook Hospital & Care Center.  Protecting your health and safety is our top priority, so we have needed to respond to the latest COVID-19 prevention recommendations.

Based upon guidance from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the Minnesota Department of Health, we are further restricting visitors to our building.  Effective immediately, only health care personnel and visits for end of life/hospice care will be allowed.

We’ve also needed to change our dining routines and are cleaning and sanitizing all tables and chairs and high touch areas even more often.  As much as possible, residents are kept six feet apart at meals. Due to not enough staff to assist with meals, we are unable to discontinue communal dining at this time for the residents’ safety.  And, all group activities have been postponed indefinitely.  We understand that socialization is a big part of our residents’ lives here.  However, we are asking that residents consider staying in their rooms as much as possible and when in common areas, Try to be at least six feet apart from others.

You are a key partner in helping us to protect our community from this virus.  We understand that communication with loved ones is incredibly important. We want you to stay connected with each other and will ensure that you can communicate in other ways such as the telephone, video chat, e-mail, or social media.

Communication is key.  We will continue to update you on any news or changes in our operations. Please make sure we have your most current contact information so we can efficiently communicate with you. Reach out to Waynette Larsen at 218-666-6218 or with your updated contact information.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Julie Lesemann at 218-666-6210 or Denise Forsline at 218-666-6230

Families are encouraged to monitor the cook hospital website at for updates as we continue to receive them.

With respect,


Denise Forsline RN

Hospital Case Manager/Infection Preventionist

10 Fifth St. SE

Cook MN  55723